Friday 14 February 2014

Trying to break things up - Trims

After finishing my wall and floor textures, I took a step back and noticed how repetitive it looked, I know that once I have created more assets the scene will come together but the texture itself wall/floor both look to repeated for my liking.

Before I move onto the wall texture I started looking into various ways to break up the sense of repetition, So I looked into trims which are great way to cut out noticeable repetition, as you can see below I have added two trims that go in between the floor these are made up of another asset which is the same length as the floor asset so it connect easier (modularity) it works top/bottom also to the sides if needed, I do think this breaks it up.

I did find difficulty which what texture I should use for the trim I tried several ideas but I went back to the floors texture and worked from that, as Realistically it would be made from the same material as the floor (Stone), So my next steps will be this with the wall textures around my scene, although it should not be too noticeable once I have added in windows, ledges, torches and city flags which will break up the overall wall.

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