Friday 14 February 2014

Finding the right texture

As an 3D artist I think that the most important part of the 3D process is the texture work, to me anyone can 3D model, but the models come to life with the texture the artist has created so this to me is the main part of being a 3D artist.

As I finished my main floor texture I started looking for a texture I could use for my wall, I could not just grab any old texture and hope it works well as I'm working from a concept art is also needed to be relevant to that, It does not have to be the exactly same just similar and needs to make sense for this scene. 

So I started looking at various stone wall textures which I think would look well within my scene (Image below) although I have only chosen one main texture for my wall I will still keep the others if and when I need to add varied stone work within my scene.

I began to work on my chosen texture within Photoshop I needed to make it seamless like my previous texture, I also wanted to bring out the color of the stone work after this I started to work on the material set-up within UDK, again I used normal and specular maps and a bump offset tool to define the stone work, I believe this material does need more work on the normal map as its still not as defined as I would like. (WIP - Material Below)

Wall Texture _ UDK Set-up
Image below both wall and floor textures at their current states within UDK. 

Floor, Wall inside UDK

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