Thursday 23 January 2014

Constructing from a Concept

Concept Art - Area of relevance 
Within the highlighted area you can see this is where the concept becomes less informative and offers less direction, this will give me the opportunity to add my own personal touch to the creative development. I will gather reference from similar environments to help influence the development of the 3D environment.

My research will revolve around the medieval period, I will look into fantasy and realistic reference from various medians such as, Concept art, TV and film. I feel this will really contribute to me capturing this environment.


This is one piece of concept art I found which works perfectly with my actual chosen piece, I could implement this within my work very well and adapt from this smaller market stool within the center and adapt this into a larger scale and possibly create a town center with market stools.

This also gives me extra reference towards the buildings within my scene, they are very detailed so more reference is definitely needed if i plan to capture to the fullest extent.

Ref.2 - The Hobbit,Lake Town

Ref.2 is taken from the "The Hobbit" it depicts a town, known as Lake Town, a town surround by water, Although this is a film, I personally feel it can offer a lot towards my 3D development, I have highlighted three sections of this reference which I could incorporate within my chosen concept, I have only looked into smaller parts, I feel this particular reference could offer a lot with building details and there structures.

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