Friday 31 January 2014

Block-Out Test Sequence

Image below showing simple sequence of my scene, as you can see the overall scene is blocked out the only issue is I need to fill up the scene with various props, the concept I've chosen doesn't show many items/props within the scene and while looking at the block-out I have produced I do not like the open blank space whether this changes when textures are applied, I still think I need to plan ahead and start thinking of various pros which would fit well within this scene.

Monday 27 January 2014

Reference Part 2.

Before I start developing my assets and textures for said assets, I really want to look at various pieces of reference that can inspire my work even though I have my concept art which is what I initially will be based from, to gain that extra little bit of detail within my I really need to look at other areas which depict similar environments to my own.

Ref.1 Founded ""  Concept art showing a medieval village as before I have highlighted the areas of importance which I can use as inspiration for my 3D work, I have highlighted the buildings as this is what I need reference for most as my concept art lacks in detail for theses types of medieval buildings, I have also highlighted the floor as it shows a cobble type stone flooring which personally would fit perfectly within my 3D environment, this type of floor can offer a wide range of visual feedback such as mold in-between the individual stone this also could take effect when using water, so I will defiantly look into this type of texture for the floor.

Ref.1 Medieval Village Concept -

I will be looking to find reference for Medieval Town Squares/centers this will help me refine the area of my scene which is open to interpretation, I think such things like little market stools would help refine the overall scene and varied buildings, I hope to produce several buildings from modular pieces with varied texture effects. 

Ref.2 taken from, this piece of reference is exactly what I was looking for showing a town market I think this will be a great addition to be added into my scene, as you can see I have highlighted the building on the right  as the more building reference I have the better the 3D assets I produce should be we extra detail and varied structuring.

Ref.3 taken from

Sunday 26 January 2014

Development Process - Block-out

The block-out stage of level design is very important, it allows us as artists to understand how the level/scene should flow, I decided to work on a quick block-out scene which I always refereed back to my chosen concept art, In doing a block-out during the early stages of development it enables me to understand the whole structure of my scene from a primitive level as you can see I have only used very basic primitive shapes to produce this block-out and yet you can really see it coming to life even at this simple stage.

Blocking out allows me to understand the positioning, scale and proportions of each asset within UDK, Although the sole purpose of creating this scene is more on an art based level, I feel always working as if i'm developing a playable level will over-time refine my level design skills which I personally think is a great asset to add to my skill-set.

As you can see in the image below, The block-out is at its simplest level, it shows the main sections of the concept art, this will help me understand what is needed in the areas in-which the concept art doesn't show but in working with this block-out and various concept references, I will be able to complete this scene.

Block-Out - UDK

I started added extra detail to my block-out I did not want to spend too much time with the block-out as its only a simple basis for the final product, I just need to gain more visual information in how I intend to construct my scene,as you can see in the image below there is not a massive difference apart from a few re-positioning and various little changes. 

Block-Out .2 - UDK

During the block-out I needed to look at certain areas in-which the concept lacked visually, as you can see in the image below in direction of the arrow we can not see in that direction so I have to interpenetrate what might be there.

Sewer Entrance - Ref.
So I started looking at various concept art and images from medieval cities or towns, as the concept shows a lake of sorts or canal, So i started looking at sewer entrances as I feel this would would perfectly within this scene and actually make sense in the real world, I didn't want to add something randomly just for the sake of it I want my scene to make sense to the viewer.

The reference to the right is an image I found I really like this as a sewer entrance, it can add a lot to the scene in terms of the water flow, depending if I want a calm water flow or a more rapid one, which leads into the city, as it travels through the sewer gate the water if faster could splash against the entrance created a more realistic water flow obliviously this would rely on a well executed water shader but it allows me to add more ideas into this scene to create a more dynamic one.

Block-out showing sewer entrance, I may need to go back and look at the overall scale as it does seem to larger although this works I am not fully convinced it fits in with the scene as I would like.

Saturday 25 January 2014

Gaining a Visual Style - Technology 1. Marmoset Toolbag

Concept Door - Highlight

Before I start working on a simple block-out for my environment, I wanted to take some time looking into the the visual style I will be aiming to create during the development, The image to the left depicts a highlighted area from the concept art, A wooden door surrounded by a stone archway. I felt this was a small piece I could work on and still get an understanding of what kind of visual style I will be aiming for.

WIP - Medieval Asset
(Work In-progress) So I went away and created a simple asset which would be used within my 3D environment, obviously more work is needed/tweaked, But I think it really shows off my chosen visual style, I want to go with the more realistic visual style, I feel that it will really bring to life this environment if executed well.

This also brings me to a piece of technology which I found to be very useful. Marmoset Tool-bag which is full-featured real-time editor and real-time renderer which provides very useful tools, for example scene editing allows you to control your mesh,lights and cameras and allowing for an high-quality real-time render to really show off your work as a 3D artist.
Marmoset Toolbag

I find this very useful, during the development process, as currently I use UDK (Unreal Engine) for my real-time work, the process to import my assets and create simple materials can be a tedious process when all I want to do is to be able to see my asset within a real-time environment, Marmoset allows me to simply upload my assets (fbx. or obj.) and apply all my texture maps which updates in the view-port instantly.

Thursday 23 January 2014

Constructing from a Concept

Concept Art - Area of relevance 
Within the highlighted area you can see this is where the concept becomes less informative and offers less direction, this will give me the opportunity to add my own personal touch to the creative development. I will gather reference from similar environments to help influence the development of the 3D environment.

My research will revolve around the medieval period, I will look into fantasy and realistic reference from various medians such as, Concept art, TV and film. I feel this will really contribute to me capturing this environment.


This is one piece of concept art I found which works perfectly with my actual chosen piece, I could implement this within my work very well and adapt from this smaller market stool within the center and adapt this into a larger scale and possibly create a town center with market stools.

This also gives me extra reference towards the buildings within my scene, they are very detailed so more reference is definitely needed if i plan to capture to the fullest extent.

Ref.2 - The Hobbit,Lake Town

Ref.2 is taken from the "The Hobbit" it depicts a town, known as Lake Town, a town surround by water, Although this is a film, I personally feel it can offer a lot towards my 3D development, I have highlighted three sections of this reference which I could incorporate within my chosen concept, I have only looked into smaller parts, I feel this particular reference could offer a lot with building details and there structures.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Main Concept Art

Game Of Thrones - Concept Art

Chosen Concept Art

For my chosen Concept art, I wanted to make sure that the piece I choose really stood out, I didn't want to be six weeks in development and lose and suddenly lose interest I found this to be a vital when choosing.

To keep the interest there I wanted to develop some thing in-which I would have to learn new skills/technologies during the design process, For example weather effects or water as I have never personally develop for a piece of 3D work, I want to push the boundaries of my own work.

I decided to look into concept art from the well known Game Of Thrones series, My only issue found was I did not want to use any original scene from the actually HBO TV series as once seeing these scenes it could influence my 3D work, which is not what is expected from this assignment, So I went and researched into various Game Of Thrones concept arts, which are inspired by the world within the series but does not have a direct adaptation.

During my research I found this piece of Game Of Thrones concept art, I really like this piece as it offers a lot visually, I especially like the tone of the scene e.g. lighting this really makes the scene special and visually beautiful, I hope to recreate this in the form of a 3D adaptation

As you can see in the distant of this piece, it does not offer a massive amount if creative direction, this gives me the opportunity to create parts which are my own and possibly influenced from various yet similar pieces.

Introduction Into Advance 3D

Advance 3D, During this assignment I will be choosing a piece of concept art and working from that and developing in into a 3D environment, although this is my final out-come during the design process I must research into appropriate advanced techniques and technologies which can be used during the production process.While looking at theses particular techniques and technologies, I will determine their individual use towards real-time development.