Thursday 6 March 2014

Flag Physics

Within my Scene I have various city flags places around the scene, as they currently stand they are very static, To bring the scene to life I wanted to add some kind of animation to the flag assets, I found this is accomplished by using various tools within Auto desk Maya as well as the physics tool inside UDK.

I started looking at the nDynamic section within Maya and It allowed me to create some kind of cloth animation using nCloth I used a preset "T-shirt" as I thought this would give me the effect I wanted which as you can see from the Gif below is did offer somewhat to the desired effect.

I hit a block wall and could not understand the process in-which you export this mesh with animations and import within UDK, So I started looking through online resources  and couldn't find much to help this issue, This is still at work in progress but for my final scene I will plan to have some kind of cloth physics working with the flag mesh.

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